Preview SW Deposit

Deposit Information

  • Indicated: 5.457 MT @ 1.56 g/t Au equating to 273,000 (oz)
  • Inferred: 5.852 MT @ 1.40 g/t Au equating to 263,000 (oz)

Deposit Highlights

Property Scale Geology

  • Underlain by early Proterozoic metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks which are intruded by ultramafic to diorite sills. This is believed to be related to the Contact Lake intrusion adjacent to deposit (Livingstone & Christian, 2017)
  • Rocks in this area have been subjected to at least two folding events and are upper greenschist to lower amphibolite in metamorphic grade
  • Diorite is the host rock in most of the zones within the deposit, ranging compositionally from quartz diorite to gabbro, but no correlation is seen between these phases and mineralization (Livingstone & Christian, 2017)

Completed Work (MAS)

Future Work / Plans

Recent Drill Programs

Mas Gold Corp has been successful In executing our goal of upgrading the resource at the Preview SW Deposit through our recent drill program as well as Comstock Metals LTD’s 2017 and 2018 drill programs:  

2017/2018:  Drill holes PR17-169 through 171 were drilled at the northern end of the Preview SW deposit within
areas of limited or incomplete historic drilling and were designed to infill and test the down dip continuity of select drill sections, as well as test the northeast strike extent of the deposit. Holes drilled in the
southern half of the SW deposit were designed to test down-plunge (PR17-179) or up-plunge (PR17-180) of adjacent holes and to test for southwestern continuity of the eastern lodes, and to test the
southwest strike extent of the SW deposit (PR17-181,182).

2022: Drilling was successful in upgrading the M.R.E. through twinning of historic drill holes to confirm grades with robust QAQC protocols in place and strategic infill between existing drill holes

Core Storage at Preview SW
Core Storage at Preview SW
Close up of PR22-189 Core displaying visible Gold (VG)

Ownership Overview

MAS Gold Corp. 100% Owned Properties occupy key positions at the transition between the La Ronge Domain and Kisseynew Domain. MAS Gold Corp has been active in La Ronge Gold Belt since 1990’s. Total MAS Gold Corp holdings: 33, 843 hectares (83, 628 acres). All properties are 100% owned.