Point Gold Deposit
- Located approximately 70 km north-east of Laronge with access from HWY 102 and maintained local trail to deposit
- Located on disposition S-113755 (2944.484 Ha)
- Community of Missinipi is located approximately 10 km North of the deposit
- This deposit has been covered with modern VTEM, mag and Lidar surveys
Property Scale Geology
- Point Deposit is situated on a NE trending belt of Precambrian supracrustal rocks underlain by predominately by metavolcanics and volcanogenic derived metasediments.
- The geology at the Point Deposit is lithologically and structurally complex, consisting of pelitic rocks, conglomerates and intermediate to mafic volcanics (tuffs and flows) which have underwent numerous shear/fault structures (Goodall, 2019)
- A NE trending foliation is the most common fabric observed, but at least three phases of folding are also observed ranging from large scale NE trending structures to ductile/brittle high strain/shear/fault zones generally trending N-NE (Goodall, 2019)
Irregular pyrite-bearing quartz veins cut deformed, intercalated diorites, mafic volcanics (andesite to basalt), and felsic volcanics/volcaniclastics.
Gold values, although sporadic, are associated with sub-euhedral pyrite within andesitic tuffs, sediments and felsic intrusive and silicified, moderate dipping, north trending shear fractures.
Deposit Information
- 1940s - Early prospecting and trenching.
- 1970-74 - Prospecting, soil sampling, trenching; 2 core drill holes (>180m each).
- 1984-89 - 35 core drill holes completed (SMDC, Dennison, Uranez, Cameco)
- 2012 - Re-survey of historic drill holes; surface sampling, prospecting; airborne magnetometer survey.
- 2019 – 13 core drill holes completed (1947.0 m) to confirm historical grade and test downdip / extension along strike of known mineralization.
Deposit Highlights
- Irregular pyrite-bearing quartz veins cut deformed, intercalated diorites, mafic volcanics (andesite to basalt), and felsic volcanics/volcaniclastics.
- Gold values, although sporadic, are associated with sub-euhedral pyrite within andesitic tuffs, sediments and felsic intrusive and silicified, moderate dipping, north trending shear fractures
Completed Work (MAS)
- May 2019 – Updated resource on point deposit through drill program
- 2021 – Soil sampling and mapping program completed around Point deposit and Preview SW
- 2022 – 4 DDH’s completed (772 m) on Point Deposit testing mineralization down dip
Future Work / Plans
- Following up soils anomaly detected from 2021 program with further soil sampling at Point deposit.
- Follow up on drill results from 2022 program with potentially more drilling in winter of 2023 chasing anomaly to the SW
- Gold was discovered at the original Preview Lake showing in 1939. Exploration through the early 1960’s outlined the Preview North Zone of the Preview Southwest deposit with Contact Lake Gold Mines drilling 431m and drove a 24-metre adit into the zone.
- Upon the discovery of the Bakos Zone at Contact Lake; attention was focussed away from Preview North with no further work occurring at the Adit until 2013.
- Three holes were drilled in 2013 with PR13-163 encountering the best intercepts shown in the table below (Simpson, 2016):
Ownership Overview
Point Prospect Winter Drill Program 2019
In January 2019 MAS Gold collared the first core drill hole of a winter exploration program at the Point gold prospect on the Preview Lake property located about 60 kilometers northeast of La Ronge, Saskatchewan.
The exploration plan at the Point gold prospect included thirteen holes totalling approximately 1,920 metres of core drilling. An additional ten core holes totaling 1,505 metres were executed at the North Lake property.
The drill program at Point Deposit was designed to provide confirmation of historic drill results, infill and step-out drill intercepts, and core for metallurgical testing. The Point prospect is a forgotten asset that was the subject of focused delineation drill programs completed in the 1980’s by the Saskatchewan Mining Development Corporation (SMDC ) in the 1980’s.
MAS Gold intends to twin historic hole RM86-21, drilled by Saskatchewan Mining and Development Corporation (“SMDC”) in 1986 at azimuth 087o and dip -45o, that intercepted multiple zones of gold-mineralized, sheared quartz veins within a carbonate-altered, tuffaceous volcanic host rock.
Drill Results
Weighted average results reported from hole RM86-21 included:
- 4.07 grams gold per tonne (g/t gold) over 3.65 metres (m) beginning at 23.75 m; and
- 12.34 g/t gold over 0.50 m beginning at 27.40 m; and
- 3.54 g/t gold over 4.80 m beginning at 44.55 m;
- including, 19.47 g/t gold over 0.50 m beginning at 45.50 m; and
- including, 4.47 g/t gold over 1.0 m beginning at 47.50 m.
- 8.22 g/t gold over 10.65 metres from 51.6 metres to 62.25 metres:
- including, 6.68 g/t gold over 2.95 metres beginning at 53.20 metres; and
- including, 111.07 g/t gold over 0.5 metres (visible gold noted) beginning at 61.25 metres.
- cut to a maximum of 30.0 g/t gold, the full 10.65 metre interval averages 4.42 g/t gold.
- 13.61 g/t gold over 0.5 m from 65.65 m.
- 3.19 g/t gold over 2.00 m beginning at 75.10 m.