Preview North Property
Business Plan: Potential open pit mine at North Lake. Preview North area envisions a centralized processing plant where the ore of various grades from the nearby satellite deposits would be commingled for cost effective processing.
Positive preliminary metallurgical tests support the concept of efficient flotation recovery plans.
- The North Lake property; MAS’s flagship consists of 13 870.971 Ha over 12 claims
- The 4 key deposits are: North Lake, Contact Lake, Point, and Preview South West
- Many more historical showings are located within this property (Joe, Lilly, Duck Lake, Clearwater, Mullock Lake, Eureka, Freestone and Quartz Vein) , only increasing the possibility of extending existing deposits or the discovery of new deposits entirely to feed into Mas Gold Corp’s Hub and Spoke Model
- This Property occupies a key position at the transition between the La Ronge Domain and Kisseynew Domain
Geological Setting
North Lake and Point Gold Deposits
Hosted at the contact between sediments and mafic volcanics in the Kisseynew Domain
Kisseynew Domain
- Krn Missi Group
- Psammitic to psammopelitic gneiss and derived migmatite
- Kvbn Mafic gneiss derived from basic volcanics
- Kng Garnet-biotite gneiss and derived migmatite
- peg Pegmatite
La Ronge Domain
- Lon Polymictic metaconglomerate
- Lsn Biotitic metasediments
- Lvi Intermediate metavolcanics
- Lqm Quartz monzonite-monzogranite-granite-(granodiorite)
- Lgd Quartz Diorite – Granodiorite

The Preview North Property
The North Lake property; MAS’s flagship consists of 13870.971 Ha over 12 claims.
The 4 key deposits are: North Lake, Contact Lake, Point, and Preview South West
Many more historical showings are located within this property (Joe, Lilly, Duck Lake, Clearwater, Mullock Lake, Eureka, Freestone and Quartz Vein), only increasing the possibility of extending existing deposits or the discovery of new deposits entirely to feed into Mas Gold Corp’s Hub and Spoke Model
This Property occupies a key position at the transition between the La Ronge Domain and Kisseynew Domain
In Current Focus
Ownership Overview
MAS Gold Corp. 100% Owned Properties occupy key positions at the transition between the La Ronge Domain and Kisseynew Domain. MAS Gold Corp has been active in La Ronge Gold Belt since 1990’s. Total MAS Gold Corp holdings: 33, 843 hectares (83, 628 acres). All properties are 100% owned.