Greywacke North Deposit

Property Geology

  • The Greywacke Property is located on the western edge of the MacLean Lake Group, at the MacLean-MacLennan contact.
  • Of note on the Greywacke property is the “Arenite Suite” of rocks consisting of; lithic arenite, feldspathic arenite, polymictic conglomerate, oligomictic conglomerate, sandstone, conglomeratic sandstone, calcsilicate rocks and greywacke.
  • Three intrusive units have been recognized on the property; pegmatitic dykes cross-cut all lithologies, and localized intrusions of tonalite and monzodiorite.
  • The rocks of the Greywacke deposit have undergone middle to upper amphibolite facies metamorphism (Poulsen & Robert, 1994; D. J. Thomas, 1986)
  • Outcrop mapping has revealed three property-scale deformation events consistent with regional mapping performed proximal to the Greywacke deposit (Coomb, Lewry, and MacDonald 1986).

Deposit Information

Deposit Highlights

Completed Work (MAS)

Future Work / Plans

  • Mapping and prospecting to test the East side of Greywacke Lake for structure related Au mineralization
  • Mapping and prospecting the neighboring claim to follow up structures indicated from magnetic surveys that could host Greywacke-style Au
  • Prospecting along the McLennan-MacLean Lake contact
  • Infill drilling at Greywacke South Zone and Closure Lake-Lyons Zone
  • Exploration drilling at Shandy Lake and Hoover Lake showings to potentially intersect mineralized trend

Ownership Overview

MAS Gold Corp. 100% Owned Properties occupy key positions at the transition between the La Ronge Domain and Kisseynew Domain. MAS Gold Corp has been active in La Ronge Gold Belt since 1990’s. Total MAS Gold Corp holdings: 33, 843 hectares (83, 628 acres). All properties are 100% owned.