Greywacke Lake Property
- Shandy Lake
- Closure Lake
- Hoover
- Lyons zone, Area B, Nicks’s showing
- Wasp Lake
- Stauffer Lake Showings
Geological & Mineralization
Stratabound disseminated coarse gold hosted in folded tabular zones of quartz feldspathic gneisses. Typically NE trending, dipping 60o SE.
Further exploration potential exist within resource itself
Exceptional Metallurgy
Gravity: 81.3%, Cyanidation + Gravity: 94%
Easy Property Access
All season road access.
Recently Updated Resources
Greywacke North Deposit
The Greywacke North Deposit completed a Mineral Resources update in 2021 titled “TECHNICAL REPORT ON THE 2021 MINERAL RESOURCE UPDATES”.
Category | Type | Cut-off Au (g/t) | Tonnes | Au (g/t) | Insitu Au |
Indicated Indicated | OP UG | 0.65 1.75 | 600,000 45,000 | 4.89 5.03 | 94,000 7,000 |
Total Indicated | Combined | Variable | 645,000 | 4.90 | 101,000 |
Inferred Inferred | OP UG | 0.65 1.75 | 35,000 375,000 | 1.97 4.33 | 2,000 52,175 |
Total Inferred | Combined | Variable | 410,000 | 4.12 | 55,000 |
Ownership Overview
Outcome of the 2021 Winter Drill Program
15 holes totaling 2912.9 meters (m) at the Greywacke North Deposit Completed in March 2021
The objective the exploration work was to strengthen our understanding of the existing resource model, as well as to look for more gold bearing potential in the surrounding area.

Greywacke Central, South & Lyons Zone
In 1988 and 1989, Cameco completed detailed geological mapping, prospecting, outcrop stripping and trenching, chip sampling, EM and magnetic surveys around what is now termed the Greywacke Mineralized Zones (Greywacke South, Central and North Zones). The most recent drilling occurred at the Greywacke South zone occurred in 2021 which highlighted by:
- Drill hole GW21-142 intersected 3.8 g/t over 8.16m; including 5.7 g/t over 2m and 10.87 g/t over 1m.
- Drill hole GW21-141 intersected 2.34 g/t Au over 1.5 m.
In addition the Greywacke North gold deposit other significant gold prospects include:
- Greywacke South
- Greywacke Central
- Lyons Zone
Lyons Au Zone, Area B Au Showing, Nick’s Lake Au Showing: Clastic Sediment Hosted Au-Cu-Mo: Arenite Host
The Lyons Gold Showing is located down strike from the Closure Lake and Greywacke showings and is hosted within the same bed of gossaned MacLean Group fine-grained biotite arenite which hosts these showings. The showing consists of a 200 m by 100 m shoot of arenite (up to 80% quartz, up to 40% plagioclase, up to 10% potassium feldspar, and up to 30% biotite). At the Lyons Showing site, the host horizon contains a 5 to 35 m wide zone of gossan which has been traced over a minimum strike length of 200 m. The north extension of the showing is swamp-covered and the south extension of the showing is drift covered. Up to 5% combined pyrite-pyrrhotite plus up to 5% magnetite plus minor chalcopyrite and molybdenite occur as disseminations and fracture infillings within the arenite. Non-visible gold mineralization is associated with this sulphide mineralization. A second minor gold showing, the Area B Showing, was located 150 m south of the south end of Closure Lake.
In 2002, a partnership involving Masuparia Gold (operator), JNR Resources, Shane Resources, United Carina Resources, and Pine Channel Gold completed reconnaissance geological mapping to the southwest of the zone, prospecting and soil sampling between Closure Lake and the south end of Greywacke Lake, lake sediment sampling in nearby Closure Lake, and channel sampling (each 50 cm long) of the Lyons Au Zone. The best chip samples taken at this showing returned 1.079 oz/T. In 2002, the Lyons Zone was channel sampled each 50 cm long, with the best result returning 28.16 g/t.
A second area of gold mineralization, within the same auriferous arenite horizon was located 150 m south of the south end of Closure Lake or 1200 m south of the Lyons Showing. Sporadic gold values occur along this horizon to the south at least as far as Nick’s Lake. At Nick’s Lake the auriferous horizon reaches a width of 75 m. The best result from drilling on the Lyons Zone and Nick’s Lake Zone returned 0.77 oz/T Au over 2 m.
Shandy Lake Au Showing: Intrusion Associated Shear Hosted Au: Mafic Host
The Shandy Lake Gold Showing consists of a series of up to 50 cm wide discontinuous quartz veins and pods that are hosted within a series of 1 to 3 m wide, subvertical, 050° to 060° trending sub-parallel shears. These shears form a 50 m wide zone of deformation that cuts the Berven Lake diorite. This zone of deformation follows the contact between the Berven Lake diorite and adjacent lapilli tuffs. Pyrite and associated gold mineralization are found as disseminations and as fracture fillings within the quartz veining. Values of up to 0.10 oz./T Au over 0.75 m have been encountered along the 31 m strike length of this zone. One 0.75 m wide quartz vein returned an average of 0.29 oz./T Au. A second nearby shear zone returned up to 0.044 oz./T Au and the entire 50 m wide shear zone returned grab and chip sample values of up to 530 ppb Au. The best initial channel sample returned 1.34 oz./T.
Hoover Au Showing: Clastic Sediment Hosted Au: Arenite Host
The stratiform Hoover Lake Showing, which lies on strike with and which is geologically identical to the Greywacke North Showing, consists of two auriferous zones within a sulphide-rich biotite arenite horizon which is considered to be the transitional phase between northeast-striking and moderately northwest-dipping MacLean Group arenites and McLennan Group arkoses. Locally, the undeformed and unaltered arenite or meta-greywacke hosts up to 5% disseminated pyrite and pyrrhotite. Rare accessory minerals include molybdenite, galena, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, marcasite, and ilmenite. The gold occurs as visible grains and as up to 40 micron wide intergrowths with the pyrite-pyrrhotite. The showing outcrop, which occurs at lake level, has been traced for 15 m along strike over a width of 5 m by trenching. Initial chip sampling returned values up to 0.247 oz./T. The best intersection during drill testing of the showing returned 2 m at 0.126 oz/T.
Closure Lake Au Showing: Clastic Sediment Hosted Au: Arenite Host
The Closure Lake Gold Showing consists of a series of small gossaned outcrops of MacLean Group arenite close to their contact with arkosic arenite. There are at least two semi-continous horizons of a gossaned, reddish-black, fine-grained biotite arenite which consist of up to 80% quartz, up to 40% plagioclase, up to 10% potassium feldspar, and up to 30% biotite. The showing host rock is the same unit which hosts the Greywacke Showing. Up to 3% combined pyrite-pyrrhotite plus up to 5% magnetite occurs as disseminations within the arenite. Non-visible gold mineralization is associated with this sulphide mineralization. The best grab sample taken at this showing returned 2.02 oz./T. The best channel sample taken at this showing returned .141 oz./T.
Wasp Lake Au Showing: Clastic Sediment Hosted Au: Arenite Host
The stratiform Wasp Lake Gold Showing, which lies on strike with and which is geologically identical to the Hoover and Greywacke showings, consists of an auriferous zone (the Greywacke Trend) within a sulphide-rich biotite arenite horizon which is considered to be the transitional phase between northeast-striking and moderately northwest-dipping MacLean Group arenites and McLennan Group arkoses. Locally, the undeformed and unaltered arenite or meta-greywacke hosts up to 5% disseminated pyrite and pyrrhotite. Rare accessory minerals include molybdenite, galena, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, marcasite, and ilmenite. The gold occurs as visible grains and as up to 40 micron wide intergrowths with pyrite-pyrrhotite.